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Training and education

Kadera also offers prevention and education to promote solutions for now and in the future or now and in the future.


Kadera provides practical information and training to help you identify and address domestic abuse.

Awareness and knowledge are essential to understanding domestic abuse issues Kadera’s training offerings are designed to allow participants to apply the knowledge in practice immediately. Training is provided by expert trainers specialised in the dynamics of abuse.

Prevention, training and information

Kadera has extensive experience implementing projects to prevent or stop domestic abuse or child abuse. A variety of prevention activities raise awareness of domestic abuse among the immediate target group and the relevant professionals and contribute to national campaigns against domestic abuse. Examples of projects we can execute for you:

  • consulting on the implementation of the reporting code of domestic abuse and child abuse
  • coordinating an activity to enhance expertise, such as a symposium or study day
  • developing and implementing activities that raise awareness
  • developing materials that support the strategy
  • conducting research in this area

Are you curious about what we can do for you? please contact us or request a non-binding quote by emailing

Training offer

Forms of domestic abuse

Huiselijk geweld kent vele vormen. For more information about the different forms of domestic violence and the appropriate signals, we invite you to take a look at the website we developed Below you will find a brief overview of the different forms of domestic violence. You will also find information about Kadera training, information and projects.

Partner abuse

Partner abuse involves abuse of the victim by their partner. Partner abuse occurs in both straight and gay relationships. The victim may be belittled, beaten or sexually exploited.

Domestic abuse can also occur without physical violence, such as through emotional or psychological abuse, stalking, deprivation of liberty, threats or neglect. Abuse is often accompanied by other problems, such as unemployment, financial or psychological problems, or addiction.

It often takes a long time for victims or perpetrators of domestic abuse to seek help. On average, domestic abuse goes unnoticed at home for eight years. Shame and fear play a major role in this. Seeking help is a bold step which often involves a great deal of uncertainty. Fortunately, help can ensure that the situation becomes safe again and the victim can regain confidence and self-direction.

> Training oudermishandeling en ontspoorde zorg (pdf)
> Training huiselijk geweld signaleren (pdf)
> Vervolgtraining huiselijk geweld signaleren (pdf)

Sexual abuse

On average, 100,000 people a year are victims of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is a broad term. It includes rape and sexual assault, but also sexual harassment. Sexual harassment involves sexual comments and touching without consent. There does not need to be physical contact. For example, a person may also be forced to perform sexual acts on themselves.


In 8 out of 10 cases, the perpetrator is an acquaintance of the victim. Sexual abuse is often used as a weapon of power. A need for contact and aggressiveness can also be motives. Perpetratorsā€™ characteristics may include low self-esteem, inability to empathise with others and difficulty expressing themselves socially. Perpetrators have often been abused or neglected in their childhood.


Every one processes unpleasant events in their own way. Sexual abuse can affect some people much more strongly than others. However, several reactions recur in many victims, such as distrusting others, physical complaints and becoming disgusted with themselves. Women have a 45% chance of contracting post-traumatic stress disorder; this is 65% for men.

Risk factors

The risk of rape is four times higher for boys and girls aged 12 to 24. The same is true for people with an intellectual disability. They are dependent on someone, which makes them highly vulnerable. People who have previously been victims of sexual abuse are also at increased risk.

Visit the website of the Zwolle Centre Against Sexual Abuse for more information.

Lover boys and lover girls

Lover boys, or ā€œRomeo pimpsā€, are generally young human traffickers who seduce vulnerable young girls or boys. Lover boys shower their victims with expensive gifts and attention. The victim is then forced to repay them through a job in prostitution. The lover boy ensures that contact with family and friends is broken to make the victim even more dependent, holding the victim captive through force, violence or extortion. A common means of blackmail is sextortion: the lover boy threatens to post sexually explicit photos or videos of the victim online if they refuse to enter prostitution.

Lover boys often seek out their victims online (grooming) and at entertainment venues, hangouts and healthcare facilities Victims have often had a troubled childhood; previous counselling has not helped. They need attention and recognition, which they receive from the lover boy.

Victims are not always female

In the classic situation, Romeo pimps are male and victims are female. Nowadays, it is also common for a girl to exploit a boy (lover girl), a girl to exploit a girl or a boy to exploit a boy. A lover girl may herself have been a victim of a Romeo pimp. She will start looking for girls for her pimp, often to avoid having to work in prostitution. She works by pretending to be the victim’s friend.


A lover boy can often be recognised by certain signs, such as being a smooth talker and good-looking. Read more about how to recognise a Romeo pimp here

> Voorlichting seksueel geweld (pdf)
> Training weerbaarheid bij grensoverschrijdend gedrag (pdf)

Elder abuse

Elder abuse has only recently begun to receive the attention it deserves. Elder abuse involves the physical, mental or financial harm of an elder by a family member or caregiver. Neglect and failure to provide the necessary care for an elder also constitute elder abuse.

In some cases, informal care can become derailed. When elderly care demands too much of the informal caregiver, they may become verbally abusive, grab the elder heavy-handedly or even restrain them to get a moment’s rest. Support for the informal caregiver, such as home care, can help. Sometimes, caregivers or family members deliberately cross boundaries. This can include physical violence, systematic belittling, isolation or looting the elder’s bank account.

> Training ouderenmishandeling en ontspoorde zorg (pdf)

Honour-based violence

Honour-based violence (also known as honour killings) is any form of physical or mental violence to prevent violation of the family’s honour or restore it. Many cases involve a woman or man behaving too ā€œfreelyā€ in the eyes of the family, or entering into a relationship that does not meet with their family’s approval. Honour-based violence can take the form of honour killings, forced marriage, restriction of movement, abuse, and social rejection.

There are important differences between honour-based violence and other forms of domestic abuse. Honour-based violence is often imposed by group norms. Male relatives are considered to have a ā€œdutyā€ to protect the familyā€™s honour. The perpetrator’s character or personal situation plays much less of a role than in the case of intimate partner abuse or child abuse, for example.

Women and men at risk of falling victim to honour-based violence are very vulnerable. They often have no one they can turn to within their network. They are also not threatened by a single perpetrator but by an entire family. That puts their safety in great jeopardy. Read more about the signs of honour-related violence here.

In the case of honour-related violence, it is unwise to seek help yourself or to start a conversation with the victim. Due to the high risk and acute unsafety, these steps of the reporting code no longer apply. It is important to recognize the signals and know what resources are available. The training Working with the Reporting Code discusses the action process in case of honour-related violence.

> Training werken met de meldcode (pdf)

Child abuse

Child abuse is much more common than previously thought. Every year, 119,000 children are abused in the Netherlands. Child abuse takes different forms. This concerns physical and mental abuse, physical and mental neglect, sexual abuse, contested divorces and witnessing violence. In most cases it concerns parents, but others such as grandparents or the babysitter can also be guilty of child abuse.


The consequences of child abuse are serious. Many children face behavioral problems. The child also has an increased risk of a disorder, such as depression or anxiety disorder. Many children face behavioral problems. Moreover, children are extra vulnerable: in many cases they are dependent on the person who abuses them. They remain loyal to the perpetrator for a very long time and do not know what ‘normal’ is.

Risk factors

A number of factors can contribute to an increased risk of child abuse. These could be the following factors:

  • Parents with an intellectual disability or low education level
  • Unemployment and financial problems
  • Single-parent families, families with three or more children
  • Stepfamilies
  • Parents with psychological problems

Child abuse can also occur when these risk factors do not exist.

More information

Want to know more about this problem? Then consult the Child Abuse fact sheet. In addition, Kadera has developed a signals card with signals that may indicate domestic violence and child abuse, which can be found here.

> Training werken met de meldcode (pdf)
> Voorlichting kindermishandeling (pdf)
> Voorlichting meldcode en kindermishandeling (pdf)

Animal cruelty and domestic violence

Animal abuse concerns ā€œall unnecessary actions and all culpable negligence by people that cause animals pain, injury or serious welfare problemsā€ (LICG, 2011). Common forms of animal abuse include hitting, kicking, throwing, mutilation and neglect.


In 2012, Kadera conducted scientific research into the relationship between domestic violence and animal abuse in collaboration with Utrecht University and the Dog Protection Association.

This shows, among other things, that the majority of perpetrators of domestic violence (55%) also practice multiple forms of animal abuse and children have witnessed this animal abuse in 60% of the cases. In addition, more than 41% of women report delaying their flight to the shelter because of concerns about their pet. Until now, in many cases, pets remain with the (ex) partner, who thus has a means of power to permanently control and blackmail the woman (and children).

Pet shelter

Clients who go to a shelter in the Netherlands can now have their pet(s) cared for in a safe and loving host family. Find out more about this project here. At Kadera, in some cases the pet can also be taken to the shelter.

If you suspect animal abuse, you can consult the Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse signals card or report it to reporting number 144. Consult the Domestic Violence and Child Abuse signals card for signals that may indicate domestic violence.

> Signalenkaart dierenmishandeling (pdf)
> Training huiselijk geweld en dierenmishandeling (pdf)
> Voorlichting huiselijk geweld en dierenmishandeling (pdf)

Signal card

Improved Signal card
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

Signs of domestic violence are sometimes overlooked. That is why Kadera has developed the signals card. This contains signals that may apply to the victim and the perpetrator and may indicate domestic violence.

In 2019, the Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Signals Card was updated and further developed. The improved reporting code has been added to the signals card, so that users can view the assessment framework and the options for reporting at a glance.

The paper Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Signal Card can be ordered via for ā‚¬ 13.50 plus shipping costs. For large orders you can request a quote.

The signals card can also be consulted digitally, via You can use the digital signals card to check signals and risks in a case. These signals are printed into an interactive PDF, with which you can follow the steps of the reporting code and create a file.



In 2018, participants rated Kadera’s training courses with a high 8 and most participants indicated that they would recommend our training courses to others.

Our information and training has been provided by, among others:

  • municipalities
  • mental healthcare
  • youth Services
  • childcare
  • primary and secondary education
  • HBO and university
  • welfare organizations

'Employees of the General Healthcare department of the GGD Twente found Kadera's training to be very valuable. They thought it was a fun and educational day, it gave them food for thought and they actually think this is information for everyone. So not only for professionals but also for parents and citizens. It was informative and a must as a foundation in daily care practice. Kadera, keep it up!

Atie Meijvogel
procesfunctionaris AGZ, GGD Twente

'It was very educational and the students were very enthusiastic. The information was innovative and the employee who provided the information really involved the students in the information. That made it personal! We will certainly contact Kadera again next year for information.'

Jenneke Schoonhoven
docent Sociaal Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening, Deltion College Zwolle

'The course was experienced as very informative by our host parents. During the course there was a lot of interaction between the participants and room to exchange experiences.

Ivanka Jonkman
bemiddelaar, gastouderbureau Bieeƫnkorf Wijhe

'Are you curious about what a hippo has to do with child abuse? Then register. Your eyes will be opened in a fascinating, casual way!

Joke Dallinga
intern begeleider, Koning Willem-Alexanderschool Staphorst

'A course that provides clear tools to put the reporting code on the map within the organization.'

Eddy Alferink
aandachtsfunctionaris huiselijk geweld en leerplichtambtenaar, gemeente Olst-Wijhe

Are you curious about what we can do for you? Please contact us or request a quote without obligation via


Animal projects

At Kadera we collect and deploy animals in various ways.

In 2012, Kadera conducted scientific research into the link between animal abuse and domestic violence in collaboration with the University of Utrecht and the Dog Protection Association. This has shown, among other things, that 41% of victims postpone their flight to the shelter because of concerns about their pet. The pet is often left with the (ex) partner, who thus has a tool of power to exert pressure to blackmail or exert pressure on the victim or the children.

Kadera therefore works together with the Stay Van My Animal Foundation to offer victims’ pets a temporary shelter while their owner is in the shelter.

If there is room for a victim of domestic violence and he/she has a pet for which he/she cannot arrange a suitable place himself, the Stay van my Animal Foundation can accommodate the animal with a host family. When the situation is safe and the client moves to his or her own home, he or she is reunited with the pet.

Since the summer of 2019, we have also started a pilot to make it possible for a woman to bring her pet with her at the shelter in Enschede. This is also in collaboration with the ‘Stichting Blijf van mijn dier’, which uses their knowledge to guarantee the well-being of the pet during its stay.

Specially trained dogs have been used at Kadera for three years to support emergency services. There are several studies that confirm that contact with animals can increase people’s well-being. Various employees have therefore been trained to use their own dogs for so-called Animal Assisted Interventions. The dog has also been tested, because it must of course be suitable for such activities.

Over the past period, 1 or 2 dogs have been visiting the shelter in Enschede and Zwolle once a month. During these visits, children can play with the dog and learn about dog behavior (preventing biting incidents). Nature days were also organized where mothers took their children and dogs to a nearby nature reserve.

In addition, upon request, children of primary school age are offered resilience training with a dog, called VIDA training. In 8 meetings, you will work on self-confidence and setting boundaries through exercises with and without a dog, individually or in pairs. This project was made possible in part by financial support from the Children’s Postage Stamps Foundation, within the Huisje, Boompje, Beestje project.

Helpende Hand Oranje Fonds

In 2019, Kadera started the Helping Hands volunteer project in collaboration with the Oranje Fonds. Within this project, volunteers are deployed to support clients and their children, provide a listening ear and undertake activities. Would you like to know more about this project or would you like to register as a volunteer? Then look at the ‘I want to help’ page.