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Kadera offers help to men, women and children subjected to domestic abuse. We do this through crisis relief, shelter, sheltered accommodation and ambulatory services. All applications go through the Toegang en Trajecten team. The social workers on this team conduct intake interviews and offer individually appropriate care.

You can register clients with Kadera’s Toegang en Trajecten team by calling +31 88 422 24 95 or sending an email to

You can also call this number for advice on individual cases. Contact can be made anonymously, i.e., without sharing client information.

Refer for ambulatory care

It is advisable to contact our Access team before sending the registration. We can then check together whether the registration with Kadera is in the right place.

Telephonenumber : 088 42 22 495

The form below allows care professionals to register clients for Kadera’s ambulatory services. Referrers can download the form, complete it and send it in an encrypted form to One of our staff will contact you within a week.

Waiting times

Waiting time for outpatient WMO guidance in IJsselland

4-6 weeks

Waiting time for outpatient guidance WMO and Youth Assistance Hardenberg and Twente

4-6 weeks

Verwijzen voor opvang

Aanmeldingen voor opname in de opvang verlopen via Team Toegang. U kunt contant opnemen door te bellen naar 088-4222495 of een e-mail te sturen naar Een medewerker zal dan samen met u kijken naar een passende vorm van opvang of hulpverlening.

Advies en consultatie

Bij Kadera zijn wij er niet alleen voor slachtoffers van huiselijk geweld, maar ook voor hulpverleners die te maken krijgen met casussen waarin huiselijk geweld een rol speelt. We begrijpen dat het werken met deze complexe problematiek niet altijd even makkelijk is en dat hulpverleners soms behoefte hebben aan extra kennis en ondersteuning.

Consultatie en advies van Kadera is erop gericht om professionals te ondersteunen bij het vergroten van veiligheid en herstel in situaties waar huiselijk geweld speelt. Dit kan gaan om vragen over specifieke casussen, maar ook om vragen over de aanpak van huiselijk geweld in het algemeen. Door te sparren met hulpverleners van Kadera kunnen professionals betere hulp bieden aan mensen die met huiselijk geweld te maken hebben.

Professionals in het sociale domein kunnen op verschillende manieren contact opnemen met Kadera, bijvoorbeeld via telefoon, e-mail of terugbelverzoek. Vervolgens worden zij gekoppeld aan een hulpverlener van Kadera die gespecialiseerd is in huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling. Deze hulpverlener kan meekijken naar de casus of de vraag die wordt gesteld en advies geven over hoe hiermee om te gaan.

Dit kan bijvoorbeeld gaan over het opstellen van een veiligheidsplan of actieplan, het bespreekbaar maken van het geweld of het werken met integrale en systeemgerichte aanpak.

Quality Policy

Domestic abuse, or abuse in dependency relationships, is a broad social issue. Kadera provides quality assurance across the spectrum of this issue.

The relationship with our client is key. We want to offer our clients high-quality personal and small-scale assistance and services. We are demand-oriented, investigative and entrepreneurial. We are improving, researching and assessing our performance in various ways.

Kadera is licensed as a care provider for mental health services and care under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act. We also offer activities funded by the Social Support Act. These activities focus on prevention and education, training and expertise promotion, reporting abuse, resilience and participation, crisis relief and shelter. Kadera and its ambulatory services hold the HKZ Emergency Accommodation and Women’s Shelter certification.

Kadera aims to provide the best possible care and prefers to work with effective interventions such as Krachtwerk and Veerkracht. We use various tools to test and improve the quality of our assistance. The audit team researches the quality of care, and we participate in external studies such as the study on the effectiveness of Tijd voor Toontje, the fidelity of the Krachtwerk model, and the CQ index.

Diagnostics and screening

Clients entering a care pathway at Kadera are screened by a social worker from the Toegang en Trajecten team quickly and seen by a psychologist for a diagnostic screening within a few weeks.

The psychologist will refer the client to appropriate mental health services if necessary. Kadera works closely with chain partners to initiate appropriate mental healthcare quickly.

About Kadera

Kadera Aanpak Huiselijk Geweld is committed to helping victims of domestic abuse in Overijssel. We do this by providing shelters for men, women and their children in Zwolle and Enschede, along with ambulatory counselling, education and training. Kadera is a well-known and reliable party in the region. Through years of cooperation with various municipalities, police, judicial authorities and healthcare providers, we have established a wide network of committed chain partners with whom we work well together.

CASA Zwolle is affiliated with Kadera, so we have extensive knowledge about sexual abuse and exploitation. We use innovative and scientifically recognised methodologies such as Resilience and Krachtwerk to support the recovery of people who have been subjected to any form of domestic abuse. Our starting principle is that the client takes control and maintains it as much as possible while we guide them towards independence and participation in society through a future-oriented approach. Children are supervised in accordance with the Veerkracht methodology, and all children have a dedicated child social worker who coordinates and implements the necessary help they need.


We hereby present the new Kadera infographic, showing the most important figures and results of 2020 and an impression of our strategic course 2021-2025.

Through this strategic course, Kadera will specifically focus on three pillars, namely Kadera as an expert; Kadera as partner; Kadera as a healthy organization. Through our revised mission and vision, we will commit ourselves to providing the best possible service to victims of domestic violence in the coming years. As much as possible in their own environment, aimed at a safe future for the entire system.

2020 has been an unusual year for us, as for many. We are therefore very proud that we have managed to continue to work for victims of domestic violence.

Kadera provided assistance to victims of domestic violence in 2020, both by offering safe shelter and by guiding people at home. Training and information sessions, aimed at prevention and early detection of domestic violence, have also continued in an adapted (digital) form. Despite the many challenges posed by the corona measures, we look back on a year with many positive developments. We have worked on a new strategic direction, gained experience with blended assistance and we have taken the first steps in further developing our assistance offering.


Kadera offers help to victims of all forms of domestic abuse, including:

  • Partner abuse
  • Child abuse
  • Elder abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Honour-based violence and family violence
  • Human trafficking and Romeo pimping

Visit the knowledge centre for more information on the forms of domestic abuse.

Kadera has 61 shelter placements divided among different target groups and purposes. A breakdown of these can be found in the list below. Kadera accommodates an average of 222 clients in these placements every year.

  • 10 placements for Crisis Relief;
  • 17 placements for Intensive Care;
  • 2 placements for Safe Houses;
  • 14 placements for Sheltered Accommodation;
  • 6 placements for Sheltered Accommodation for Young Mothers;
  • 6 placements for Supported Living for Men;
  • 6 placements for victims of humane traffic;

In addition to internal options, Kadera offers ambulatory pathways throughout the region. In 2018, Kadera provided ambulatory care to 119 clients. Kadera also offers aftercare programmes in the form of home visits. Aftercare is aimed at supporting clients when they are living independently again after staying in the shelter. We hold around 25 aftercare programmes annually.

Kadera offers Aware alarm systems to provide additional security in high-risk situations. We deploy at least 40 Aware systems annually.

Chain partners

Kadera cooperates with chain partners as much as possible. To permanently end domestic abuse, we focus on the whole system and a safe future for our clients.

We offer Interventions in various areas of life through debt assistance, diagnostics, participation and involvement of the social safety net.

We cooperate with parties such as addiction care, GGZ, youth services, UWV, housing corporations, volunteer organisations, CASA Zwolle, educational institutions and municipal authorities.